What happens during a cranial osteopathy session?
We couldn't have described it better than the Sutherland Cranial College (who do a lot of the post graduate courses in the UK) have done on their own website so let's hand over to them for a second:
Observing cranial treatment can be compared to watching someone reading a book. From the outside nothing appears to be happening but, if you are the one reading the book you are transported into a rich world of structure, colour, depth and emotion. As you continue to read, the story unfolds.
In a cranial treatment, an osteopath is deeply connected to the inner world of living anatomy and physiology. Listening carefully the body can tell the story of what has happened to it, what trauma (emotional or physical) it has suffered and, how it is trying to cope with the legacy of these traumas.
In treatment the osteopath is guided by the tissues and support the re-balancing or release of areas of dysfunction. The body has an amazing ability to heal itself and maintain its own physiology in a state of health and uses the re-balancing during osteopathic treatment to re-establish healthy physiology.
So there you have it; boring to watch, fascinating for the practitioner and usually profound releases for the person receiving. Most people leave a cranial session feeling deeply relaxed, balanced and light and parents are in awe of restless babies who have melted a little on the treatment couch!
Find out why people fall in love with this approach. Book an appointment now or ask your osteopath more about it and how it could help you.